From November 10 to 14, 2008 a train-the-trainer workshop on Gender Mainstreaming and Diversity Management in South-East Europe will take place in Berlin. Initiated and ran by Claudia Neusüß and Christian Raschke and coordinated by Ruth Slomski (ILE Berlin) the workshop is addressed specifically to gender diversity trainers, experts and activists.
The German Diversity Professional Association for Gender-Competent Education and Consulting, the Heinrich Böll Foundation, the Family Planning Center in Bratislava, the EFKA foundation in Crakow, and the Gender Diversity Associaton are partners of ILE-Berlin and participated in preparing the workshop.
The various sucesses, resistances, conflicts and needs of the participants with respect to ongoing learning, exchange and networking will be the focus of the workshop.
We especially would like to invite men to this workshop and ask our european women colleagues to encourage (male) colleagues to join the workshop in Berlin!
Best practice examples for implementing gender diversity into existing systems and structures of society and organisations will be reflected and used as learning fields in terms of implementing gender and diversity. The pest practice examples will be from different national backgrounds.
This workshop is supported by the EU-Grundtvig-Programme. For non-german participants, it is therefore possible to get financial support through the Grundtvig-programme (see forms below). Please be aware that the preregristration has to take place until the 30th of june. That is most important for you if you want your participation to include travelling and hotel fees to be refunded by the EU. If you are interested, please send the pre-registration form you find below. For non-Grundtvig scholars the costs for the course will be 750 / 500. Costs for travelling can be supported in individual cases.
Please, see registration form below.
Contact: Ruth Slomski from ILE
The main focus will be on the potentials – of the participants as well as of given structures and institutional frames in their repective countries – for changing systems towards more gender diversity equality. In the long term, the workshop aims for building a European network of gender diversity experts.
Click below for a more detailed invitation, the pre-registration form and a pdf file: