Around the world, the succesful implementation of „gender+“ (i.e. the intersectional dimension of gender) equality policies requires high-quality trainings for policy makers and civil servants.
The international project TARGET (Transnational Applied Research in Gender Equity Training) allows for a broad exchange between experts from the EU and the U.S.. Founders and partners are, among others, Prof. Dr. Myra Marx Feree/U.S. and Prof. Dr. Mieke Verloo/Netherlands). One of the main objectives of TARGET is the development of good training curricula towards gender+.
TARGET is a collaborative project of the Women's Studies Programmes of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and of the Northeastern University in the U.S. and the QUINB network of the European Union.
The Expert Meeting took place from 16 May to 17 May 2008 at the Humboldt-University/Berlin, Faculty of Law, hosted by Prof. Dr. Susanne Baer from the Gender Competence Center, member of QUING – Quality in Gender + Equality Policies and partner of the TARGET Project.
I very much enjoyed the exchange with colleagues, trainers and scientists from Lithuania, Spain, the Netherlands, Austria, Germany and the U.S. around questions like „Theory in gender(+) trainings, normative and personal goals, which methods for which objectives…?“.
Many thanks to the organizers!