Course for Experts of Gender Mainstreaming and Diversity Management
May 3 – 7, 2010
The course is based on dialogue and active learning processes and aims at the exchange of experiences and at getting to know best practice examples of the participants for implementing gender diversity into systems and structures of society and organisations. We hereby take into account and will work on the still open question, whether and to what extend Western Gender Main-streaming and Diversity Management concepts offer sufficient transferability to other cultures especially in Central and South-East Europe.
(EU / Lifelong Learning Programme / Grundtvig / DE-2010-1013-001)
Are you interested in taking part? You may apply for Grundtvig funding for this course if ou come from one of the EU countries (except Germany), or from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, Croatia or Macedonia. More information
With regard to the participants' different personal and professional backgrounds as well as to their national and cultural origin, we engage in Gender Diversity Dialogues. Also we will analyse what particular competences are needed for Gender Diversity Management as an integrated approach of Gender Mainstreaming and Diversity Management. The main focus will be on the potentials of the participants as well as of given structures and institutional frames in their countries for changing systems towards more gender diversity equality.
The course is led by Dr. Claudia Neusüß ( and Christian Raschke (
The Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) for European co-operation in the field of education and training offers in-service training grants to staff working in the field of adult education (GRUNDTVIG grants). Expenses of a number of participants from several other countries can be covered under certain conditions.
You may send us your pre-registration form via email to until January 10, 2010.
If you have more questions, please don't hesitate to contact us via e-mail.
Best regards
Brigitte Woerteler
OWEN – Mobile Akademie für Geschlechterdemokratie und Friedensfoerderung e.V.
(Mobile Academy for Gender Democracy and Peace Development)
Anklamer Straße 38
10115 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 – 280 85 41 / 283 22 51
Fax: +49 (0)30 – 283 22 52